One of the few good things that the moralistic member for Manly, Premier Mike Baird, has ever done in Parliament was to ban greyhound racing in NSW.
A lot has been said about this issue, but what most upsets me is that this is all simply based on politics.
“Mr Baird had previously dug in and continually insisted the ban would come into effect as planned in July next year. But after a dramatic slump in the opinion polls, an upcoming by-election in the regional seat of Orange and an internal revolt from some Nationals MPs, he changed his mind.”
Politics trumps principle yet again.
The Liberals, the Nationals, the Labor Party and the media are to be ashamed of themselves for their role in the backflip, playing the politics and driving media content, instead of pursuing the right and just outcome – a maintaining of the racing ban.
The Greens and the Animal Justice Party are the only parties in NSW Parliament to continue to support the ban, and you can count on the fact that we always will!